At Ohana Dogtraining we collaborate and do workshops with companies, associations to help or support a cause.
Canine communication workshop
Knowing what our dogs are telling us is essential to have a good coexistence with them, this is what we call canine communication, it is a repertoire of non-verbal language with which dogs communicate and tell us how they feel or what is what they need.
Duration: 2 hours
Face-to-face modality
Nose work workshop
The smell of dogs is immensely superior to ours, they know the world through their nose, the smells they pick up and a large part of their life is spent sniffing. When a dog stops sniffing, behavior problems such as stress, anxiety, or aggressiveness can arise. In this workshop we will learn how good it is that our dog sniffed and fun exercises to do with him in a calm but didactic way.
Duration: 2 hours
Face-to-face modality
Sport obedience workshop
Sports obedience is a discipline that encompasses many levels and types, here, we will focus on city-oriented sports obedience. We will train in a positive, fun and functional way.
Duration: 2 hours
Face-to-face modality
Workshop on not pulling on the leash
In this workshop there will be a small theoretical part about why dogs pull on the leash, possible injuries if this behavior occurs for a long time and the best material for the dog. Then, the remaining time, different exercises will be worked to know what to do and when to do it, so that our dog stops pulling.
Duration: 2 hours
Face-to-face modality
Reactivity in dogs
A reactive dog is what was previously called aggressive. It is a dog that barks or tries to bite
other dogs or people for no apparent reason. The problem can appear for many reasons,
from poor socialization at an early age, a bad experience, having learned it from another
dog, or simply being an insecure dog and not being guided correctly. These dogs are not
bad dogs, they are simply afraid, and the only way they have to deal with that fear is by
barking. This problem is not solved with traditional training, it is like putting a patch on the
problem and it only makes it worse. What we need to do is reduce the stress that the dog
may have, since any animal with a high-stress level is not able to learn and change. The first
step is to teach the dog that what it is afraid of is not actually dangerous. Next, the handler
needs relearn how to communicate with the dog, what to do in certain situations, and what
situations are better to avoid at the moment. It is important to be as calm as possible since
everything we feel is going to be transmitted to the dog. The keys to training with a reactive
dog and seeing results are patience, respect, and empathy.