Boot camps

Bootcamps are the alternative to behavioral counseling, as we experience that training camps are better, more efficient, and cheaper for you. Unlike a single behavior counselor, he will be followed for a longer period, where the behavior trainer Miguel Pérez gets a deep insight into the dog’s specific problem from him and can therefore tailor the training 100% to you.

Even if a bootcamp has more participants, your advice and feedback will be much more personal, as the behavioral trainer will have a better basis for providing them. The fact that the course spans over several weeks also means that you are not only starting off well, but following through to the end and that your behavioral counselor is on speed dial at all times.

Duration: Several weeks

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 Tips and feedback will be more personal 

If your dog has a behavior problem, such as doing a lot, pulling on the leash, being aggressive around other dogs, being afraid of loud noises, or generalized anxiety, then he may benefit from participating in a training camp.


Coworking Space Photos

Dog therapy project for children with problems.

Canine education and behavior modification.

Canine education and behavior modification.

Canine education and behavior modification.


At Ohana Dogtraining we collaborate and do workshops with companies, associations to help or support a cause.

Canine communication workshop

Knowing what our dogs are telling us is essential to have a good coexistence with them, this is what we call canine communication, it is a repertoire of non-verbal language with which dogs communicate and tell us how they feel or what is what they need.

Duration: 2 hours

Face-to-face modality

Smell workshop

The smell of dogs is immensely superior to ours, they know the world through their nose, the smells they pick up and a large part of their life is spent sniffing. When a dog stops sniffing, behavior problems such as stress, anxiety, or aggressiveness can arise. In this workshop we will learn how good it is that our dog smelled and fun exercises to do with him in a calm but didactic way.

Duration: 2 hours

Face-to-face modality

Learn to play with your dog workshop

Dogs have different ways of playing with other dogs or with people. Many times we play incorrectly with them and they get too nervous or addicted to balls. During this workshop we will see how dogs play with each other, what is a healthy game and what is the best way to play with our dog so as not to generate anxiety.

Duration: 2 hours

Face-to-face modality

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  • Teléfono: (+45) 5036 2449
  • E-mail:
  • Copenhague (Denmark)
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«The welfare of the dog isabove the objectives of any training program ”.